It’s important to build and fill your business page with relevant content to grow your online presence for those interested in your services. If you’re already with Snappy Post Marketing, you’ve taken a big step in building your presence, and perhaps you’re interested in growing it even more. We’ll go over some tips and tricks to grow your following and become more known when people search for your services.
Is your audience aware of your brand? Connect with current and new customer base by growing your page’s audience with a few easy steps:
Invite your friends to Like/Follow your page: It’s important to share your business page with your friends to get the word out.
Facebook: this is done by going to your business page and selecting the three horizontal dots below your cover photo, then selecting Invite Friends. You’re able to invite up to 1,000 friends per day to like your page
Linkedin: When you select your business page, you’ll see the option on the right side of your screen to “Grow your followers” by inviting connections. You’re able to invite 250 connections per month
Instagram: While you can’t “invite” people to follow you on instagram like you can on Facebook and Linkedin, you can connect with existing friends from Facebook. We also recommend following people like realtors and other businesses in your area while engaging with their content, which will build your presence.
We also recommend creating a physical post on your personal Facebook page inviting your current friends to Like and Follow your pages. While sending them an invite from your actual business page is helpful, an invite can get lost in the shuffle of notifications. A simple post similar to this, tagging your business along with links to your other profiles is one way to grow:
“Hi friends, I wanted to share with you @My Facebook Business Name. I’m working on building my social media presence and it would mean the world to me if you could like my page. If you’ve utilized my services, I’d be honored if you could leave a review.
Sharing your business posts on your personal facebook page will help create brand awareness, especially the posts that Snappy Post Marketing is creating for you. Since these posts have your logo embedded into them, they not only create that wow-factor that your followers will enjoy, they also have your logo for brand awareness. Asking your friends and family to share these posts will help your brand reach a larger audience that you may not have been able to reach on your own.
A unique way to get in front of your community is through your local Facebook groups, we always recommend looking for groups in your city and surrounding areas. Join these groups with both your personal and business pages. The majority of times, these local groups have community advertising days, which allows you to post about your business for your community to see and engage with. You have the opportunity to share your already existing posts from your business page, or you can save the images that we’ve posted for you and post those directly to these groups on designated days with a specialized caption. We recommend posting a photo of yourself or your team alongside the before and after photos to help introduce yourself to your community and build your brand awareness. People tend to interact more when a person’s photo is posted since you’re now “human” and relatable.
Utilizing groups like Business Networking International (BNI) and your local Chamber of Commerce are a great way to grow your social media presence. Asking your group to like and share your page and posts can allow you to reach a whole new audience. You can also suggest a process that we like to call the “Beehive”. To create a beehive means that when a potential client in one of the local group pages and asks for recommendations for services that you (or one of your networking group members) provides, that the networking group recommends whomever is a providing partner by tagging their personal profile along with their business profile. This allows the potential client to easily click on the business profile, see website, phone number along with the work that the recommended person/company provides. The more people that recommend, the higher the credibility for the company goes.